Webinar: HFE – Intergrating Ergonomics in Engineering Design Stages

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Webinar: Post COVID-19 Business Operation – A new normal in Safety & Health Management in Business Operation

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National Seminar MyFOSH 2019

Strategic OSH NGOs Alliance

One of the important frameworks in the coordination and collaboration of safety and health in Malaysia is the existence of multiples OSH Societies in giving OSH services, dissemination of knowledges and information, expert and the voice of OSH practitioners in improving OSH in general. There are various type of societies including National level, State level societies and technical societies with each society has their own mission, vision and objectives. It has been estimated that approximately more than 7,000 active members. The numbers of active members indicate a strong voice that need to be heard by the stake holders including government and policy maker (National Council of Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH)), employers’ representatives and employees’ representatives. Through the initiative under the OSHMP 2020, DOSH had initiated with several societies in formation of a federated societies related to OSH in which the Federation within OSH Societies is a way that information and policy can be easily cascade to masses within OSH practitioners. The federation currently had 14 societies worked loosely with the aim of voicing issues from the base and assisting DOSH in technical expert and programs conducted in the future. In addition, the federation will worked with international societies in enhancing standard of OSH and networking.

The inaugural National Seminar is important as it is one of the platforms where mostly all National Societies related to Occupational Safety and Health and Environment worked together as one voice in organizing such event. This is the first time that we have a collective efforts by 15 societies and the new established societies in showing that the possibility of different societies in organizing a single direction within their respective roles in championing the field of Occupational Safety and Health & Environment in Malaysia.

The Malaysian Federation of Occupational Safety and Health (MyFOSH) is a Federation of Societies that focus in championing and advocating the importance of Occupational safety and Health in Malaysia and globally. The Federation was initiated by the meeting between the ex- Director of DOSH (Dato Mokhtar Musri) and the President of MSOSH (Mr Khairuddin Khairan) in formally established a discussion on the 9th of September 2016. The Federation currently consist of 15 Societies namely:
10) NRG SHE 11) SRG SHE 12) PESHA 13) POSHE 14) PPMKI 15) MAEH

In general, the objectives including the roles and responsibility of the Federation are:

  • To provide centralized platform on OSH matters at National and International levels.
  • To serve as a centre of information to disseminate all latest OSH information to the members or from members to the Authorities.
  • To assist DOSH in the development of National level OSH standards or guidelines and providing technical experts in the relevant field.
  • To assist in setting up Board in OSH competencies.
  • To establish Code of Ethics to control the professionalism of the OSH competencies.
  • To have one strong voice representing all OSH NGOs to influence the Government, Stakeholders and relevant parties

In addition to the above objectives, other important roles to be played by MyFOSH will includes:

  • Propose policy direction together with the relevant authorities.
  • Easing of implementation roadblocks and challenges related to OSH & Environment and finally, escalates unresolved roadblocks and challenges in improving the welfare and safety and health of workers in Malaysia.


Prof Dr Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin
Immediate Past President of Human Factors & Ergonomics Society of Malaysia (HFEM)
Secretary of Malaysian Federation of Occupational Safety and Health (MYFOSH)

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National Human Factors and Ergonomics Seminar 2019

Category: Public Ergonomics Seminar
Date: 22nd-23rd October 2019
Venue: UPM Serdang, Selangor

As an annual event, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia organized National Human Factors and Ergonomics Seminar on 22-23 October 2019 which took place at Auditorium Rashdan Baba, Universiti Putra Malaysa with the theme “Ergonomics Beyond Efficiency”.

There were 10 speakers in total which from Malaysia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Thailand. Dr. Ng Yee Guan, the President of HFEM did the opening speech and share with the crowd the direction of HFEM in Malaysia.

The seminar was continued with the presentation by the Past President of HFEM, Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bahri Md Tamrin with the titled Ergonomics Assessment: The Current Methodology, Future Competency as Assessor and International Certification. He explained in detail the direction of ergonomics competency in Malaysia and compare with the Ergonomics competency in the neighboring countries. He also mentioned that Department of Occupational Safety and Health moving towards Ergonomics as a OSH competency in Malaysia and there will be Industrial Code of Practices on Ergonomics in the near future.

Mr Fauzi Yahaya, Senior Director in Mimos Berhad, also past president of HFEM took the stage with presentation titled “Ergonomics in the 4 IR Era”. He shared the role of ergonomics in IR 4.0 and how the shift is happening in technologies in the 4th IR era which is related with ergonomics. It seems that MNC is having a rapid IR 4.0 technological implementation whereas SMEs adoption is still way behind. He concluded his session with a message of regardless of the advancement in technologies, human factors including attitude and conscience plays a critical role towards betterment of well beings.

The seminar then continued with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wattana Jalayondeja from Mahidol University which discuss about the break reminder for the office workers. His team’s contribution was in the development of software for reminding office workers to frequently took break and perform exercise to battle the prolong sitting which is currently know as one of major problem in organization.

Topic on fatigue management was presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr Yassierli from our neighboring country, Indonesia. His highlight was, his journey from year 1995 until now in the field of fatigue management and how it has progressed to fatigue indicators, fatigue intervention, mental fatigue and now focus on daily fit to work from the aspect of physical and mental. At the end, he put forward the current challenges in fatigue management which need to be addressed as listed below:

  • How to monitor fatigue at work
  • How to develop an effective fit-for-duty assessment tool
  • How to increase fit-for-duty & awareness at work

Then, the last 2 sessions were delivered by Malaysian government and agency official which were Ir. Haji Omar Mat Piah, Director General, DOSH and Dr. Edrin Nazri Abdul Rasib, SOCSO. Director General of DOSH shared the role of DOSH in ergonomics implementation and also further confirmed that ICOP on Ergonomics will be implemented in 2 years’ time and as for the regulation of Ergonomics will take more time since it involved parliament’s approval.

Dr. Edrin gave the last speech for the first day about the compensation claims on Musculoskeletal Disorders in Malaysia.

In the second day, the speakers line up were Prof. Dr. Debkumar Chakrabarti (India), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilis Surienty (USM, Malaysia), Prof. Dr Ravindra Goonetilleke (Hong Kong), Ir. Mohd Hafzi Md Isa (MIROS, Malaysia) and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stephen Poon (APUTI, Malaysia).

Prof. Dr. Debkumar highlighted the importance of simple ergonomics design to ease daily life and also the PhD program in Ergonomics in India. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lilis Surienty shared her experiences in conducting research in shiftwork and the dilemmas in shiftwork implementation in Malaysia. She called for more research addressing shiftwork issues in Malaysia.

Prof. Dr Ravindra Goonetilleke made a remarkable note and challenges the current research in Ergonomics which still discussing the limitation of human and musculoskeletal disorders which has been discussed since 1760 by Bernardino Ramazzini. He pointed out that the Ergonomics direction should be increasing the performance and focus on the developing the strength, capabilities and capacities.

Ir. Mohd Hafzi Md Isa presented how human factors and influenced driving safety. The speaker for the seminar was Dr. Stephen Poon who gave his insight about user experience design and the IR 4.0.

Overall, it was a great event organized by HFEM with a lot information sharing and eye opening to the participants and kudos to all the organizing team.

T.Hari Krishnan

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Seminar: Commercial Vehicle Safety Forum 2019

SIG Transportation and Malaysian Institute of Transports (MITRANS), UiTM bring to you a Commercial Vehicle Safety Forum 2019.

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HFEM Conference and ErgoCUP 2018

23 September 2018, Shah Alam, Selangor – The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia (HFEM) ended a successful effort with the FKM UITM, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) and Samsung Electronics to promote human factors and ergonomics in Malaysia through its  ErgoCUP and HFEMC 2018 at FKM UITM.

HFEM is a federated member of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA) and a member of the Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies (SEANES). HFEM was established in 2010 as a non-profit organisation to promote the application of human factors and ergonomics (HFE) knowledge for design of products, systems and services. The Society offers consulting and training services to all sectors. To date, HFEM has collaborated with DOSH in developing Guidelines for Ergonomics Risk Assessment in the industry. It also supported SOCSO in ergonomics training of individuals in government and industry.

The ErgoCUP and HFEMC were held with the theme “ErgoThinking: It’s time to Rethink” and was attended by 180 participants from all over Malaysia , comprising of researchers, academicians and students and practitioners from human factors and ergonomics and also occupational health and safety. The Conference was officiated by the Ir. Dr. Majahar

There were 3 plenary speakers at the conference. Mr. Ishkandar Bin Md Yusoff, Deputy director Hygiene Industry and Ergonomics department, DOSH speakers talked about Rules and Regulations in Ergonomics. Associate Professor Dr. Anitawati Mohd Lokman, from faculty of science computer and mathematics, UiTM. talked about “Kansei Engineering”. SAMSUNG Malaysia Mr. Lee Min Ho from SAMSUNG talked about Ergonomics intervention in SAMSUNG Factory. In addition, some 8 papers, with topics ranging from physical and cognitive ergonomics, to occupational safety and health was presented at the two-day event.

In conjunction with the HFEMC 2018 an ergonomics design competition called the ErgoCUP was also held to award ergonomically best designed products and to encourage the design of products that meet global and local ergonomics standards of safety, productivity, usability and user satisfaction. There were 2 categories: Open and School. A panel of highly experienced judges with more than 20 years of expertise in human factors, ergonomics and occupational safety and health decided on the winning products. For open category, the gold award for the best ergonomics product was by DETECTION OF LUNG NODULES USING IMAGE PROCESSING (SOFTWARE BASIS) from UniMAP. Silver award was “Safety Helmet Prototype” from UPM and Bronze award for UTeM 3D CAMERA ANTHROPOMETRY SYSTEM (3D CAS). Prizes in the form of electronic products were sponsored by Samsung Electronics.  While for school category, Gold award goes to MRSM Terendak, ANTI ANIMAL PROOF BIN, While SMBPI Temerloh’s Z.A.N LOCKER won silver and MRSM Terendak, SMART EXAMINATION TOILET INDICATOR (SETI) won bronze.

“Ergonomics is not something new. Leading country in ergonomics such as South Korea, United Kingdom and United State actively organise and involve in research, especially on the application of ergonomics in the workplace,” said the Ir, Dr. Majahar . Mr Seong Jeon Woo. “Thus, the level of awareness, knowledge and implementation of ergonomics in Malaysia should be enhanced further.”

Prof Dr. Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin, current President of HFEM noted that HFEM takes pride in initiating this collaborative effort. It is hoped that more participants from the industry as well as academicians will take part in future HFEM conferences, in order to establish the culture of human factors and ergonomics in Malaysian workplaces.

Dr. Ahmad Khushairy Makhtar
Chairman HFEM ErgoCUP 2018

onomics in Malaysian workplaces

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Ergonomics events 2018

Initial ERA Training
1) 27th-28th February 2018
2) 25th-26th April 2018
3) 26th-27th June 2018 [Postpone]
4)13th-14th August 2018
5) 17th-18th October 2018

FEE: RM1,100.00/PAX

Advanced ERA Training
1) 6th-8th March 2018
2) 2nd-4th May 2018
3) 4th-5th September 2018




Last update: 03/08/2018,  4.07pm

February 2018
Seminar:  Introduction to Ergonomics Risk Assessment at Workplace
Date: 20th February 2018

April 2018
Seminar: Ergonomics for Safety and Health Practitioners 
Date: 18th April 2018

June 2018
Seminar: Introduction to Environmental Ergonomics Risk Factors at Workplace
Date: 1st June 2018

July 2018
Seminar: Ergonomics for Healthcare Sector
Date: 5th July 2018 [Postpone]

Seminar: Introduction to Ergonomics Risk Assessment at the Workplace
Date: 27th July 2018

August 2018
Seminar: Ergonomics for Agricultural Sector
Date: 9th August 2018 [Postpone]

Seminar: Introduction to Office Ergonomics [in-house]
Date: 29th August 2018

September 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Manufacturing Sector [in-house]
Date: 12th September 2018

Seminar: Motorcycle Ergonomics
Date: 13th September 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Manufacturing Sector [in-house]
Date: 18th September 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Manufacturing Sector [in-house]
Date: 19th September 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Healthcare Sector [in-house]
Date: 27th September 2018

October 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Manufacturing Sector [in-house]
Date: 2nd October 2018

Course: Human Factors in Road Safety
Date: 24th October 2018

Seminar: Ergonomics for Agricultural Sector [in-house]
Date: 31th October 2018

Seminar: Human Factors in Road Safety
Date: 31st October 2018

November 2018
Seminar: Introduction to Hazard Identification on the Road
Date: 1st November 2018

Seminar: Motorcycle Ergonomics
Date: 9th November 2018

Last update:15/09/2018, 6.41pm

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HFEM Seminar, CPEM Workshop & AGM 2017

HFEM Seminar 2017

candid photo

HFEM Seminar 2017 has been successfully held on 21st September 2017 at MIMOS Berhad in conjunction with 7th Annual General Meeting. This seminar is officiated by Director of Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics Division, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia.

HFEM would like to express a heartfelt gratitude to all speakers. Your presence and commitment made this event a great success.

To all participants, we hope that you found the seminar informative and worthwhile for your undertaking.

Speaker: Prof. Abdul Shukor bin Abdullah
Title: Identifying the WOW! Factors in Ergonomic Assessment & Interventions in our industries

Featured Speakers

Speaker: Captain Kannan a/l Perumal
Title: Aviation Disasters: Human Factors – Role & Contribution

Speaker : Izwan bin  Ismail
Title: User experience: Sense making design

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Khairul Aidil Azlin  Abd Rahman
Title: The power of design

Speaker: Dieter Lim
Title: The Advanced Muscularskeleton Simulation & Haptic Technology in Ergonomics.

CPEM Workshop


1st workshop of Certified Professional Ergonomist Malaysia (CPEM) on 21st Sept 2017 led by Prof Halimahtun, as many as 25-30 participants, ranging from academia, independent consultants as well as industries gathered in the workshop to give their valuable inputs for the CPEM program.

The workshop helped determine the goals for certification, the certified titles to be awarded, the courses to be offered to complete gaps in human factors and ergonomics knowledge, and the process for certification to be adopted by HFEM.

HFEM Annual Grand Meeting 2017

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Annual General Meeting held on 21st September 2017 attended by 33 members chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bahri Md Tamrin.

List of new Executive Board of Society (2017-2019) as the following:

President: AP Dr. Shamsul Bahri Mohd Tamrin

Vice President 1: Dr. Muhammad Syafiq Syed

Vice President 2: Dr. Ng Yee Guan

Secretary: Khairul Nazri Abd. Wahib

Assistant Secretary: Dr. Ahmad Khushairy Makhtar

Treasurer: Choong Soo Li

Ordinary members:

  • Mohd Ammar Samsu Rahman
  • Raemy Md. Zein
  • Captain Kannan Perumal
  • Ismail Abdul Rahman

Immediate Past President: Mohamad Fauzi Yahaya

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Assessment for environmental ergonomics factors

HFEM-SOCSO Program (7) 2017

This is a 7th program organized by HFEM and supported by SOCSO held in Pulau Pinang. This program is attended by 39 participants from various department from Sanmina-SCI System on October 16,2017.

Participants were introduced to historical development, definition, daily and industrial applications; legislative requirements; general health effects and ergonomics risk factors. Several examples of case-studies were used for spontaneous exercises for participants in order to test their understanding of ergonomics concept in workplace environment.

Further exploration lighting, noise and vibration, temperature (hot and cold) and ventilation were further discussed in order to provide knowledge on each element and identified the strategies for workplace improvement.

sanmina penang

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Ergonomics for Healthcare Sector

HFEM-SOCSO Program (6) 2017

Ergonomics for Healthcare Sector is a program organized by HFEM and supported by SOCSO. This program has been successfully held at KPJ Seremban Specialist, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

The first session started with a SOCSO representative delivered information about the SOCSO and benefits of SOCSO’s contributors.  After the morning tea break, the participants were introduced to definition and concept of ergonomics. Several examples of hospital case-studies were used as exercises for participants in order to test their understanding of ergonomics concept at healthcare environment and workplace.

Further exploration of one concept (fatigue) in human factor model was deeply used to provide the understanding of direct factors, influencing factors and intervention in healthcare settings.  In the final session, participants were also introduced to several types of stretching exercises to practice and perform in future.

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