Workplace Ergonomics Controls In Manufacturing Industry-Outcome Based Processes Seminar

HFEM in collaboration with SOCSO has successfully organized a Seminar on Workplace Ergonomics Controls in Manufacturing Industry – Outcome Based Processes on 27th October 2022. The seminar was held at Sri Putra 5 @ LR 2, Bangunan TNCPI, UPM Serdang, Selangor.

The invited speakers were Ts. Muhammad Naqiuddin (ErgoLead), Dr Radin Zaid Radin Umar (UTeM), and Ts. Mohd Asyraf Che Doi (UniMAP).


*Objektif seminar ini diadakan adalah untuk: 
  • Membincangkan cabaran, jurang, dan penghalang yang dialami oleh pengamal industri khususnya berkenaan kawalan ergonomik di tempat kerja didalam industri pembuatan.
  • Menerangkan proses berasaskan hasil (outcome based) terutamanya di dalam program kawalan ergonomik di tempat kerja.
  • Melakukan perkongsian kajian kes berkenaan program kawalan ergonomik tempat kerja dari segi rekabentuk, program kembali bekerja (return to work) dan pengurusan kes kepada pekerja yang telah mendapat penyakit otot rangka (musculoskeletal disorder, MSD).

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Webinar: A Human Factors Perspective of Human Errors

If you missed the webinar session, check out the video recoding in our Youtube channel.

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming FREE Webinar on the ‘A Human Factors Perspective of Human Errors’

Speaker: Dr. Ibrahim Adham b. Taib, Assistant Professor at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)

Date: 23rd July 2022
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am

Platform: Via Zoom Meeting
Live: FB @ | YouTube@hfemofficial

To register please visit OR scan the QR code as in the event brochure. e-certificate will be provided to attendees.

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Webinar: Anecdotes from the working experience of an HF practitioner

If you missed the webinar session, check out the video recoding in our Youtube channel.

SIG Engineering brings you a FREE Webinar on the Anecdotes from the working experience of an HF practitioner.
Speaker: Aiza Ahmad, C.ErgHF
Date: 28th May 2022
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am

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Webinar: Major Challenges for HFE Implementation in Oil and Gas Facility Design

About this webinar

Human factors engineering (HFE) discipline plays an important role during the engineering design of complex socio-technical systems. As design and construction phases involve hundreds of project team members, thousands of design components and documentation, different internal and external stakeholders, various disciplines with their own priorities and interests, tight schedule and fixed cost; HFE could be the last choice of consideration.

From a simple food-waste bin to a complex gas turbine compressor design, what makes HFE implementation program successful?

This webinar will discuss major challenges in HFE implementation program for designing offshore facilities by our invited speaker, Mr. Mohd Hafizul Hilmi bin Mohd Noor from Technip Energies.

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